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Δ Partyreports door Arfman (Bezoeker) en DMM (Organiser)

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Allereerst wil de Drome crew Arfman bedanken voor deze bijdrage aan de party-report sectie van Drome 6! Credits dude!!!

Hier is-ie dan: het langverwachte DRoME 6 Party Report by Arfman ! :-)

Okee dan...het was weer zover, afgelopen 23-25 Oktober was weer....DRoME tijd !! Vanaf het moment dat Double-X 1 minuut nadat de reserveringen waren geopend gereserveerd had, waren we (Double-X, IKKI, Arfman) weer in de stemming. Zoals gewoonlijk waren we rond half zes aanwezig bij the DRoME building. Zoals gewoonlijk duurde het tot kwart voor zeven voordat de zaal openging, maar ja.

Omdat iedereen gereserveerd had en omdat het in- en uitlopen van de zaal gestroomlijnd was georganiseerd verliep dit vlot, in tegenstelling tot andere jaren waarbij je elkaar bijna knock-out moest slaan om de zaal in en uit te komen :) Goed, PCs neergezet, UTP ingeplugd (goed georganiseerd, dat die kabel er al lag !) en gamen maar. Dachten we. Ik begon een beetje rond te kijken op het netwerk totdat ik een melding tegenkwan: File infected bij CIH virus, meldde ThunderByte me. Nee he. Ja dus. De computer zat onder het CIH virus. Geweldig hoor, die ThunderByte Anti-Virus software ! :( Gelukkig was ik er snel bij en kon ik met een rescuediskette van Yosek (thanx!) het virus verwijderen. UTP er weer uit, McAfee geinstalleerd, en die onderschepte het virus. Ik weet niet precies wie het virus had (hij weet het zelf wel ondertussen :) maar het was wel even schrikken.

Nadat de virusproblemen uit de weg waren, begonnen helaas de netwerkproblemen. Eerst was er een of andere kl##tz#k die een DHCP server aan had staan, waardoor ik me niet aan kon melden bij de DRoME server, later bleek er een hub kapot te zijn. Toen ik mezelf maar een IP adres had gegeven, ging het wel iets beter, maar werkte het intranet niet meer. #zucht# Dat deed toch wel een beetje afbreuk aan een anders perfecte DRoME. Vorige keer waren het stroomproblemen, nu netwerkproblemen. Deze problemen duurden tot ver in de nacht voor mij. Toen alles eenmaal weer draaide, bleef het ook allemaal draaien. Voorwaar een goede prestatie.

Ook het internetgebeueren was strak. Snelle verbinding, goed gewoon. s Nachts om een uur of vier (als Amerika en Nederland slaapt) kon ik dingen downloaden met zon 40 k per seconde. Lekker de nieuwste demos binnengehaald en gespeeld, erg leuk.

Toen werd de DRoME Intro gestart. Man, man, man, wat strak. Zo strak als een veer. Ongelofeloos gewoon, wat een strakke demo. MASiR, wat voor werk doe jij ? Ik neem aan dat je werkt in de grafische vormgeving ofzo ? Zoniet, laat iemand dit zien en je kunt een baan krijgen !

De games die wij (Double-X, IKKI en Arfman) het meest speelden waren Need For Speed 3, Motocross Madness en Dune 2000. Geweldige spellen, vooral NFS 3 was populair. Ondertussen kopieerden we er natuurlijk lustig op los, MP3s enzo. Ik heb aardig wat CDs gebakken na DRoME. Byte_Breaker van Unitech was er ook, die liep constant fotos te maken (zelfs van mij, jaja! :). He Byte_Breaker, wist je dat er na III IV komt en niet IIII of zelfs IIIIIIII ? :)))))) Snap je hem niet ? Kijk dan maar eens op !

Helaas moet je dan altijd weer ff weg om wat voedsel (McDonalds) tot je te nemen. Hier bewezen we ons nut maar weer eens door zon 5 asbakken mee te nemen :-). Verder de hele zaterdag lekker gegamed. Toen s avonds de films begonnen, schrokken we toch wel een beetje. Als je naast een JBL woofer zit zie voluit staat en plotseling begint de filmmuziek, denk je dat het hele DRoME gebouw instort ! Nadat ook dit kleine euvel weer verholpen was door de organisatie, konden we weer verder. Zaterdagavond naar een van de plaatselijke shoarmaboeren geweest en ons lekker volgestopt met schapezak...ehhh schapevlees. Toen we terugkwamen, was de zaal toch een beetje uitgedund. Veel mensen waren Laserquesten, en velen waren aan het slapen. (slap hoor ! :) Laserquesten hebben we bewust overgeslagen, het kost een boel tijd en we hadden het op DRoME 4 en 5 ook al gedaan. (Laserquesten dan he!)

Ondertussen mengde ik me een beetje in het Quake 2 strijdgewoel. Ik bleek nog aardig mee te kunnen komen, maar toch kwam het grote nadeel van Quake 2 multiplayer weer om de hoek kijken: je logt in op een server, men is al bezig, men heeft al wapens, je komt er als rookie zonder wapens bij, er loopt een gast met railgun of rocket laucnher rond en BOEM! weg Arfman. Helza onderkende dit probleem, en startte een Lithium II server. Hier blijven de wapens liggen en zijn de DM regels aangepast. Dit speelde veel fijner ! Volgende keer graag een Lithium II Quake 2 server organisatie ! Nog een tip voor de organisatie: je kunt nog zon mooie Q2 server neerzetten, maar als mensen hem niet zien in de server list van Q2 spelen ze er niet op ! Je zag dat duidelijk: men ging zelf servers opzetten, die dan echter weer niet de mogelijkheden van de officiele Quake 2 server hadden. Erg jammer. Verder speelde het ook wel vlot. AMD K6-2 300 r00lz ! (Ja MASiR, Mendocino is ook wel geinig :)

Goed, dan de zondag. Weer zon dag van: het is bijna afgelopen. Ik heb voor het eerst geslapen (4 uur maar liefst !) en dan ga je toch wel iets beter spelen :) Verder weinig bijzonders, gewoon lekker gegamed met anderen op het toch wel strakke netwerk en een beetje geupload. Ik had nog veel meer MP3s willen uploaden, maar sorrie, het duurde me gewoon iets te lang. Ik weet het, ik ben verwend, maar toch zou het fijn zijn als de volgende keer het netwerk iets sneller zou zijn (100 MB misschien).

Al met al was het toch een ontzettend gave DRoME, heel erg strak georganiseerd. Een hele prestatie. Langs deze weg wil ik de organisatie nog een keer bedanken voor al hun moeite. Met name Wizz (strakke stroom man, perfect gewoon !), Yosek voor de viruskiller en MASiR omdat ie gewoon een strakke vent is (met een hele strakke vriendin ! :)))) Het viel me trouwens toch op dat de organisatie beschikt over strakke vriendinnen, wie is dit nog meer opgevallen ? Hoe doen jullie dat ? Wat is jullie openingszin ? Drijf ik niet te ver af nu ? Ja dus. Ik hoorde trouwens ook dat je de volgende keer een DRoME T-Shirt kunt kopen. Klopt dit ? Zo ja, count me in !

Dus, voor de volgende DRoME graag goede Quake 2 servers and misschie neen heel klein ietsiepietse sneller netwerk ? Plz ?
Ach, waar zeur ik over. DRoME roolt gewoon !

Mucho greetings from Arfman.

CU @ DRoME LiTE V6.01 !

[email protected]

DROME 6 REPORT BY Da Mucho Metal

First i have to say that i wrote this report in English because (how weird) i can express myself better in English than in Dutch. English is much cooler too, so if you can’t read English…..bad luck ! ;-) Here’s the story:

Thursday 22 October 1998:

HELL ! After a day’s hard work the rest of the crew expected from everybody to be at ROC at 9 am sharp ! ‘Cause i had to get a few days off (ans a few i have !! ;-) i decided to oversleep (sorry Apl, don’t kill me ;-)…Finally at 11 am I arrived and the half of the crew were already on the scene. After a bit of fun and a lot of ROC-‘slootwater’ coffee we decided to move the tables first and get everything in order. Everything was looking cool and I expected to be finished on Thursday already, giving us much time to take a mini-Drome on our own on Friday ;-)

After Lairja (nice bedroom ;-) where’s the obituary shirt ??) and me picked up the projector from Eppink we came back to ROC and the 3COM guys had brought their stuff. I saw SiR standing there with a sad face and when i saw the amount of hubs and switches I suddenly copied his expression. ‘Meeen, how do we expect to lay a network for at least 150 people with that stuff’ , SiR sobbed. This was the first problem we encountered, we didn’t have enough stuff to lay a stable and big network for a 150 people. We tried to phone the duudz from 3COM but we couldn’t reach them. Now we had to think of a solution for this problem, so we improvised the whole structure of the network to get it big enough. Now the second problem rised, we didn’t have enough time on Thursday to work on because we had to move out of there at 22:30, which was too short. We did the work what we had to do and at 22:30 we went to home to get a good night’s sleep, because we needed it (and oh yes, we needed it allright !).

When I layed in bed one thing was on my mind and that was ‘How do we get the network fast and stable with this stuff, because no network = no Drome !!’……Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Friday 23 October 1998:

9:30 AM.
I arrived at the scene and it turned out that SiR finally breached through to 3COM to get some stuff. 3COM replied that they couldn’t deliver what we wanted so we had a emergency ! Luckily Amakan had some friends at B&IT Netwerk, who could deliver us some Target 10Mbit hubs which we could spread over to get at least 150 connections. Rx2 and SiR came up with a structure and that turned out to be sufficient…well…we thought it would…

11:30 AM
Damn…..we always get things like this….no networkdrivers for our NIC’s ! SiR and I drove off to Almelo to my place to get the drivers from Internet….finally arrived (the weather sucked !) I tried to call in the account at Interstroom i got and what was the occasion….Interstroom was crashed ! No way we could get into the server ! Finally i got my roommate at the phone who’s got a SLIP-connection at the UT in Enschede so we got on it through the UT ! (Eternal thanks to Rene Kamphuis, i’ll do the dishes next week !) ;-)

1:30 PM
When we got back, the saviourous call from 3COM appeared : They managed to get a switch and some hubs from another firm of theirs and they were about to deliver them ! Great credit to 3COM for setting the fault they made straight !! Hurraaajjj…..we thought at that moment ! Oh yeah, something i must mention….there’s MUCH MORE work done on the Drome by a great NUMBER of people but the only thing i remember doing is the networkingstuff, so for the rest i didn’t get much of it.

15:00 PM
After cutting A LOT OF stp and a few ‘gvd’s, kut en JAAA !’ the hubs and switches from 3COM finally arrived so we got the network online. Damn, only 3 hours to go and we still had so much to do. Next time we start at Wednesday instead of Thursday ! ;-). It all sounds a little negative, i know, but there are ofcourse a lot of positive points. The electricity was POUNDING (way to go Wizz, Art-X and White-eagle !!) and the hall was looking COOL ! Sound was perfect (4 BIG speakers in the hall) and yeah, we had enough tables to stash 150 people J .

Network seemed to be fine at that moment so we didn’t worry too much at that moment but we still had to connect a whole segment at this time.

18:00 PM
Hmmmm, it’s opening time but we aren’t ready yet. We are still fucking with that segment because we are short of long cross-over cables to make the uplinks. Cutting some stp is the answer but my hands are sore and my head is full ! A look out of the windows tells us that there are MANY people out there waiting for the doors to be opened but we have to let them wait.

18:45 PM
The last tables are being made ready and we decided to smoke one before the doors are opened. Meeen, this was the best cigarette i had in 3 days. The hall was looking perfect and at 19:00 sharp we opened the doors !

Checking in went smoothly and for a hour all seems going to be allright with the network too, no problems were mentioned by the visitors. The organisation slapped their hands together, Drome 6 ‘Batteries not Included’ started !!

19:30 PM
Oh boy, the first problems rised their ugly head ! People that can’t connect to the network or can’t logon to our ‘Drome’ domain. Most people were helped by handing them over the ‘Network installation guide’ (©1998 by SiR ;-) but some people had some strange problems. We found out that a segment couldn’t connect to the other side of the network so we had to re-route the whole shit and figure out what the uplinks were (next time we label it duuudzz ;-).

21:00 PM
After helping a LOT of people to get on the network, we found out when we got one segment starting again, that another segment fell out again. What a vicious circle it was and it wasn’t good for the nerves either. Sorry for the dudes and dudettes i started to piss off, but i can’t do 2 or 3 things at once (only with sex, but that’s another story ;-). But heeey, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, so that’s what they came for anyway ?!?!

22:30 PM
The official kick-off of Drome 6 through the hands of Masir and Yosek, who had made another ass-kicking intro ! It’s a tradition what many people expect and although Masir thought that the reaction was a bit lame, i thought that the people enjoyed it ! Look at how much it had been leeched from the server once you put it there, dude !

After that brief moment it was back to work again, because the network still was far from perfect !

1:00 AM
We still haven’t solved the problems and we luckily got help from a visitor who happened to know a lot from networking too (sorry dude, forgot your name but many thanks !!). SiR and he went for it and i didn’t get much from it, because i had to cut a LOT of stp again in favour of the network (my hands did not get prettier at that moment). We discovered also that one of our switches went berzerk when it overloaded ! When it was overloaded, it turned itself off and on, causing many people losing connection to the NW !!. No way to shut it off, so we had to remove that switch from our already little backbone and replace it with another causing slowing down the NW even more. Oh well, as long it gets stable….

3:00 AM
I’ve had it !! The only thing i want is to sleep and that is what i did ! It seemed that SiR, the visitor and the electricity boys worked the whole night to get the NW wholeheartedly online, credit duudzz !

Saturday 23 October:

7:30 AM
After a few hours of sleep I came into the hall, got some coffee and lit up a cigarette, i spoke to SiR with the good news that the NW was going good at the moment. They had worked all night, found some dead-locks and it seemed to work fine. Astonishing that a LOT of people were still there and not sleeping, most people gamed all night long !!

8:30 AM
We think we got the problem of people not getting on the network. We think that there was another DHCP-server who gave some people another IP and Sub-domain then ours…at least we thought it was. Some guys of the Drome-crew have now the theory that if your computer can’t find a DHCP-server, win ’98 gives the NIC automatically one. We still have discussions about that, because i disagree. At the other hand i think they are right, but ‘cause i’m a Taurus i’ll never admit i’m wrong, hehehehe.

Apollo found a dead link again….it was the connection of the Intra-net server, causing it unreachable. Bluuuaarrggh, what will happen next, exploding servers and razor-sharp NIC’s flying around ?? Between this time it was still a bit NW-shit and some other shit i won’t mention here (of zal ik een scheet laten ??) ;-)

15:00 PM
After getting a decent breakfast (Lairja&Rx2,…Makro rulezzzz ;-)) we finally had a little time for ourselves. It meant to copy or not to copy, hehehe. Copying all the movies we could find to our HDD’s or our server or playing some Quake2 or Ultim@te Race with the guys from the Elemental-crew. Or sleeping ‘till 15:00 PM (ofniedan, Appie ?? ;-)

Furtheron no problemos at this time and finally for the first time in about 36 hours i enjoyed myself with games ;-) On the other hand, working for a cause it very satisfying too, but it has to be solved at a time, otherwise the swithes won’t go berzerk but i will ;-)

18:00 PM
After watching some movies (Tiny Soldiers, From dusk ‘till dawn) it was time to prepare for the laser-questing in Hengelo-city. About 60 people were going to compete to be the best real-time fragger of Drome.

After i decided to decline going, Appie made up the list and on 21:00 PM he went off with a group of 60 realtime fraggers.

22:30 PM
The fraggers are back ! As usual when Dr. Dranath is not around, Appie won the contest with Rx2 on his heels ! Networking was pretty stable at the moment so we got on with the first compo of Drome 6, the Quake 2 compo !!

SiD prepared his linux-Q2 server while we folks from the Gameserver group made up the list with the competitors. About 36 people (is everybody so bad at Q2 or wouldn’t anybody win a Diamond Voodoo2 card?? ) signed up and we started with the first rounds. With the sweat in our hands (NW, you know) we watched the compo went smoothly, also on Big-screen with the chase-cam (that RUUULLEED) and at the end of 4 hours of battles, gvd’s, kut, yeah’s en fucks we finally got a winner in a gut-beating final….Helza !! He received the Voodoo2 and plaquette proudly and the first compo was history and it was successfull (we received a lot of feedback that it was cool). Next time it will be there again, maybe with Q3 ?? Who knows.

Sunday 24 October 1998:

2:30 AM
Whoooaaah, i’ve got to shower AND to sleep !!….the tiredness is getting to my legzzz and i’m feeling filthy ….After a good shower-session and a nice cup of coffee and ofcorzz a Lucky i went to my flower-power sleepingbag and slept ‘till 9 AM…

9:00 AM
This is going too fast….only 9 hours to go and Drome 6 is history ! After a nice breakfast of soup, bread and coffee and luckies we finally got to some serious Ultimate Race for a half of an hour ;-)

12:00 PM
…then it was time for the second compo, the secret race compo which would be played with ofcourse ‘Moto Racer’ A lot of guests expected a compo in NFS3 but we decided to come up with a golden oldie. As soon as we announced the compo a lot of copies of Moto-Racer were started up to practise the first level of the game, ‘Speed Bay’. 3….2…..1…..Let’s GO ! ;-)

We decided to put a stop on the signing up at 45, so it would be reachable before 18:00. We made up the list and got it on with. After the first, second and half-finale it all went up pretty nice with some good racers in the final. The troubles began when we started up the final on my machine. It locked up, some racers couldn’t race anymore and we didn’t know where it came from. We spent 1,5 hours to start up the final and the end of Drome 6 was getting near. Finally Apollo came with the solution to play Moto-racer one on one, and the best racer was Ice-me, who knew the level out of his back-pocket. Hell, he can drive that course blind-folded ;-) So he was the winner of the second Daimond Voodoo 2 that left the building ;-))

17:00 PM
After we announced that Drome 6 will be ended in about a hour, the lights went on and everybody started to pack their stuff. After a LONG waiting before everybody had moved their stuff, we could begin at cleaning the hall. Meeen, what a mess it was !! Cigarettes everywhere, pizza-boxes, fries, chips, cola, beer-bottles whooooaaaa. Now i know how the folks feel after a Pinkpop or Dynamo !!

After cleaning, removing the tables, rolling up 600 metres of STP, a lot of electricity stuff, army-nets (thanks Wizz ;-) and a lot of ‘Pfffff, whuuuh, ik kan niet meer, ik ben moe, ik wil slapen’ it was time to get home and fall in a black hole called BED ! Too bad i had to work the next day, so i couldn’t get the sleep i needed, so i was feeling the consequences for about a week !! A walking Zombie working, much to laugh at, hehehehe !


Wow….it was BIG, it was GREAT, it was EXHAUSTING but most of all it was FUN !!….I can say we again learned a lot, we know a lot and will be learning a lot in the future to organise a great party as Drome !! When we look from our organiser-corner into the hall and we see those 150 People sitting there having fun, we already know for whom we do this and that is for the FREAKISM, FUN and YOU, the visitors who makes this all possible !!…Oh yeah, I wrote this party-report from my own personal point of view, so if you think ‘Hey, that dude noses a lot about the NW-problems and stuff, he doesn’t tell anything about the gaming itself’…well…..all i can say is this is how I lived through Drome 6…To be honest….i would do it over again anytime, period…….

© 1998 Da Mucho Metal/Drome Crew